Federal Institute for Population Research


Core Survey

In Germany, a first representative sample of 10,000 men and women living in Germany between the ages of 18 and 79 (core survey) was conducted in 2005. The sampling method used was a random-route survey according to ADM design and was therefore a multi-stage random sample. Regional stratification variables were the federal Länder, administrative districts and BIK municipal types. In practice, the samples were drawn using the ADM model version of 31 December 2002 – the Federal Republic of Germany was broken down into approximately 53,000 sample points. From this 1,475 sample points were then chosen in proportion to the occupation of households in the respective cells. In the next step, a random selection of addresses was drawn from these sample points (starting address and fixed survey destination for the interviewers). The choice of the member of the household belonging to the population, if more than one was present at the survey, was made using the Kish selection grid.

The follow-up survey was held in 2008/2009. Only those who had agreed to the follow-up survey in the first wave were interviewed. Of the 6,409 persons who were willing to take part in the follow-up, a total of 3,226 evaluable interviews were conducted. New participants were not added to the survey.

Survey of Turkish Nationals

Moreover, a second representative sample was conducted among the Turkish population living in Germany in 2006. The population for the sample was therefore Turkish citizens between the ages of 18 and 79 who were registered residents of Germany in 2006. A three-stage method was employed for this. In the first stage, the number of households with Turkish citizens was ascertained using data from the municipal aliens’ authorities. This was followed by the second stage where a weight of significance was ascertained for the chosen municipality. Of the randomly selected municipalities, a random sample of respondents was then made possible through the registry offices in the third stage. A survey was taken of 4,000 Turkish nationals living in Germany.

These individuals were interviewed once again in 2009/2010. Of the original 2,609 persons willing to do the follow-up survey, 997 evaluable interviews were produced. All of the surveys were conducted by TNS Infratest Sozialforschung.

Data Access

The GGS data from the first and second wave core surveys as well as the first wave of the survey of Turkish nationals in Germany are provided for scientific purposes by the Population Activity Unit. Information, user registration and the possibility for online analyses can be found at www.ggp-i.org.

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