Federal Institute for Population Research


Final Conference and Workshops

International Final Conference

October 17, 2008, Brussels (Belgium)

Hosted by the Greens/EFA Group the final conference of the project took place in the European Parliament. Three presentations summarised the main results from the international analyses. Four comments were spoken by external experts. About 140 people attended. The conference was titled “Job Mobilities in Europe. Relevance, Consequences, and New Challenges”.

Final Conference in Brussels, October 17, 2008 Conference, podium and audience

National Workshops

First results of the project were presented to and debated with representatives of media, politics, economy, associations, and social sciences in six national workshops and press conferences. The following announcements are in the language of the country in which the event took place.

National Workshop in Belgium

October 17, 2008, Brussels (Belgium)

The Belgian team presented results, charecteristic for Belgium, in a workshop following the final conference. Its title was “Mobilités professionnelles et vies familiales en Europe”.

National Workshop in Spain

October 7, 2008, Madrid (Spain)

Results, based on the Spanish part of the survey, were presented on a workshop in Madrid at the Universidad Autónoma.

Session on the Conference of the German Association for Sociology

October 7, 2008, Jena (Germany)

The bi-annual conference of the German Association for Sociology took place from October 6 to October 10 in Jena. Norbert F. Schneider and Detlev Lück offered an ad hoc group on job-related spatial mobility “Erwerbstätigkeit und räumliche Mobilität. Zur Etablierung eines neuen Forschungsfeldes in der Soziologie”. Invited speakers within the project were Silvia Ruppenthal, Heiko Rüger, Beate Collet. Further contributions came from Sven Kesselring and Gerlinde Vogl (Munich), Kay W. Axhausen and Veronika Killer (Zürich), as well as Martin Abraham, Natascha Nisic and Thess Schönholzer (Erlangen / Nuremberg).

National Workshop in Switzerland

September 8, 2008, Lausanne (Switzerland)

Swiss results were presented on a workshop, titled “Les ‘grands mobiles’ entre carrière professionnelle et vie familiale” at the EPFL in Lausanne.

National Workshop in Poland

July 1, 2008, Warsaw (Poland)

The Polish team presented its results on the conference “Mobilnosc na polskim rynku pracy. Za i przeciw, konsekwencje ekonomiczne i spoleczne” in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Warsaw.

National Workshop in France

June 19, 2008, Lyon (France)

The French results were presented on the Journée d’étude “Mobilité géographique au travail et vie familiale” in the Institute of Political Studies in Lyon.

3rd European Congress on Family Science

June 12-14, 2008, Vienna (Austria)

The 3rd European Congress on Family Science took place in Vienna. Among other contributions, Norbert F. Schneider gave apresentation on “Occupation, Mobility and Family in Europe”.

National Workshop in Germany

May 30, 2008, Mainz (Germany)

A workshop, titled “Mobil, flexibel, gestresst? Individuelle und gesellschaftliche Folgen berufsbedingter räumlicher Mobilität” presented the results from the German part of the survey at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Symposium on “Job Mobilities and Family Lives” at ESFR Congress

September 28, 2006, Darmstadt (Germany)

During the 3rd ESFR Congress, from September 28-30 2006 at the Technical University Darmstadt (Germany) Prof. Norbert F. Schneider organized a Symposium on “Job Mobilities and Family Lives”. It took place on September 28, between 3:10 and 4:40 pm. Speakers were: Dr. Mette Deding (“Geographical mobility of Danish dual-earner couples – The Relationship between Change of Job and Change of Residence”) from SFI in Copenhagen (Denmark), Prof. Helen Louise Ackers (“Understanding Stickiness in Mobility Decisions: the Impact of Gender and Life-course on Length of Stay”) from University of Leeds, and Liz Oliver (“Families and fixed term contracts: Understanding the expectation of mobility in science”) again from University of Leeds.

Presentation at the Final Conference of PIONEUR Project

March 10, 2006, Firenze (Italy)

Silvia Ruppenthal presented the project JobMob and FamLives at the closing meeting of the PIONEUR project “Mobility and the Emergence of European Identity among National and Foreign Citizens in the EU”, Friday, March 10, 2006 Università di Firenze (Italy).

Initiating “Kick Off” Meeting

February 2-4, 2006, Mainz (Germany)

From February 2 to February 4, 2006, all project members came together to an initiating “kick off” meeting at the University of Mainz (Germany). Also Pia Laurila, the Project Officer for JobMob and FamLives and representative of the European Commission, participated.

Project Start

February 1, 2006

On February 1, 2006, the JobMob and FamLives project officially started.

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