Federal Institute for Population Research


The motivation behind the PPAS is that most European countries are experiencing similar demographic trends and prospects regarding fertility, nuptiality, living arrangements, population ageing, foreign nationals and migration. Countries are experiencing population changes which require increasing attention from policy-makers. The increasing awareness of the long-term implications of demographic trends for European societies has generated a growing interest in potential action that could be taken by policy-makers to minimise the adverse effect of these trends, and in the impact that population policy may have on demographic behaviour. Whether these policies have a desirable impact on the behaviour and well-being of the population may depend largely on the values and attitudes of individuals as those ultimately impacted by policy measures.

The overarching objective of the Population Policy Acceptance Study is the analysis based on cross-sectional survey data on Europeans’ practices, attitudes and opinions concerning demographic changes, fertility behaviour, intergenerational exchange of resources and services, and population-related policies.

The study aims to analyse values and attitudes affecting fertility decisions, the perception of the advantages and disadvantages of having children, the meaning of family and parenthood as well as aspirations in life. Opinions and attitudes towards population policy issues and measures, the role of government in providing support to families and preferences and aspirations regarding gender roles, paid labour and family life as well as the impact of population-orientated policy on the workplace and family, the changing role of women, housing and the old-age pension system were also considered.

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