Federal Institute for Population Research


TransFAR is a research project conceived and carried out by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in cooperation with the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ). TransFAR offers a comprehensive overview of (transnational) family constellations in the context of forced migration. It analyses the consequences of the (transnational) family life as well as the intra- and extra-familial social relationships of refugees living in Germany.

The project is guided by three main objectives and a number of research questions:

  • Objective 1: Diversity of family structures, arrangements and relationships as well as geographical location of family members

    • What does families’ spatial dispersion look like in the context of flight?
    • What different types of family structures and arrangements do emerge?
    • What are the determinants of these different family arrangements?
    • What do family migration processes look like in the context of flight?
  • Objective 2: "Doing transnational family" - Transnational contact and mutual support between family members across national borders

    • What does the mutual exchange between family members look like and what kind of support is exchanged?
    • How do forced migrants “live” their family relationships across borders?
    • What degree of transnationalism do the families show?
  • Objective 3: Social contacts and social life in Germany

    • What does the life of refugees in Germany look like in terms of their social contacts?
    • What kind of social contacts and personal social networks exists?
    • What interactions exist between different family arrangements and personal social networks in Germany?
    • What interactions exist between the labor market integration of refugees and their different transnational family constellations and relationships as well as their personal social networks?

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